

Los sucesos del ultimo mes han sido bastante gratificantes para mi vida. Mi mama siempre me dice que asi yo no crea en dios, el me dio una estrellita. Sin embargo, independiente de esto, esa estrella se ha manifestado a traves de multiples personas: Mi mama, mi hermano, Natasha, Mauricio, David, Gustavo, Michael, Luis, Christian, Juan Guillermo, Juan Francisco, Rafael, los compañeros de la universidad, los profesores, algunos profesores del colegio, mis primos, tios y los compañeros de Fluidsignal Group. Todos ellos me ayudaron a superar las mas duras dificultades, me dieron el apoyo en momentos dificiles, me enseñaron como se logran los objetivos personales y espero ahora no ser inferior a sus expectativas, y lo mas importante, a mis propios sueños.


Beca para estudiar la maestria

Dear applicant,

we are happy to be able to notify you today that you have been accepted for a Master scholarship. The scholarship amounts to Euro ???.- per month for 1.5 years (plus Euro ???.- for your spouse, if applicable, as well as ??? Euro for each child).

Please answer as soon as possible and tell us whether you accept the scholarship.

In case there are any further questions, please email. If you accept, you will be sent a seperate email with all necessary information about how to start your studies here.

Hope to hear from you soon,


Aceptado para el programa de maestria

Dear applicant,

we are pleased to be able to tell you today that you have been accepted to Saarland University!

Ms Susanne Schneider, whom you probably have been in contact with before, has left the university - this is why you get this email from our address here (we are temporarily taking over Ms Schneider's tasks).

In a few days you will receive an official invitation letter by post.

At the end of July the committee will decide about who will be granted a scholarship; we will then again notify you about the result as soon as possible.

All the best,